Janae Arnold

"When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change." - Wayne Dyer

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PG Public Library Tour

Having a proper tour and introduction to the Prince George Public Library was extremely valuable to me as a teacher candidate. Even though I am hoping to return to Terrace for practicums and my future teaching career, I learned many… Continue Reading →

Digital Footprint

What is digital footprint? A digital footprint is the impression you leave through your activity on the Internet. It is a trail of data that is formed either intentionally or unintentionally (Security, 2022). When you intentionally use the internet it… Continue Reading →

Digital Literacy

What is digital literacy? According to the Ministry of Education and Child Care, digital literacy is “the interest, attitude and ability of individuals to appropriately use digital technology and communication tools to access, manage, integrate, analyze and evaluate information, construct… Continue Reading →

Blanket Exercise

This was my first time doing the blanket exercise and I came into it with very little understanding or prior knowledge. I appreciate the way I experienced it because it enabled me to fully experience the surprise, shock, and sadness…. Continue Reading →

The National Day for Truth and Reconciliation

It was a cold, windy, rainy morning. Not what people hope for when holding an outdoor event. We were bundled up, showing small hints of orange hidden under layer upon layer. It was not comfortable weather, however looking back, I… Continue Reading →

Indigenous Day of Learning

“Know how important you are, you are the one they depend on. You need to be grounded, strong of character and you need to take care of yourself” – Chancellor Darlene McIntosh I appreciated that Nigaan Sinclair opened his keynote… Continue Reading →

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